Tennessee Walking Horses   

Commander's Supermodel VH15-019-0043
Deceased 3.11.19

Image and basic information

© Cloud 9

Information in Finnish for VRL register

Temperament and behavior


DoB Foal name Gender Color Breed Sire Other info
29.11.17 Happy Dreams Ion stallion b TWH RWR Think Happy Thoughts sold
14.4.18 Commander's Omaha Hold'em mare - TWH Bottom Dealer Ion -
14.5.18 Cool As Cucumber Ion stallion - TWH Devil-May-Care Ion -
14.6.18 Commander's Kissy Suzuki mare blk tobiano TWH Tiger Tanaka Ion sold

Shows and results

Date Discipline Class Organizer Result
- - - - -


Fire Star's Commander GA
165 cm, cl cr ch
Ghost's Fire Star GA
162 cm, smoky bl sab
Champion's Dusty Ghost GA
160 cm, bl sab
Ebony Phantom GA
Ladybird In Moon GA
Magic Star GA
158 cm, bucksk
American Patriot GA
Sundust Star GA
Shadow Man's Perfect Kiss GA
159 cm, g cr ch
Commander's Shadow Man GA
165 cm, pal
Commander Genius GA
Miller's Kiss This GA
Legend's Perfection GA
165 cm, gold ch
Cash and Goods GA
She's A Legend GA
Run Way Ion
156 cm, b
Merry Red Ion
156 cm, ch
Belfalas Medhros
157 cm, pal
Maedhros (missing)
Lady Red Rose
155 cm, ch
Peacock's Thorn of Rose EVM
Lady Lovely B EVM
VF Running Beauty
156 cm, b
Run Riot EP
160 cm, ch
Sleeping Beauty EP
155 cm, bl