Nimi | Syntymäaika | Väri | painotus | vanhemmat | Suku |
Adhaamwar GA xx | 01.11.22 | Kimo | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Adurnarseh GA xx | 01.04.23 | - | Koulu | Elite Art GA xx – Maybe I Will GA xx | 1 |
Aintree Ion xx | 04.01.24 | - | Kenttä | Crayon Ring xx – Adelaide Street Ion xx | 4 |
All About Us Ion xx | 10.05.21 | - | Kenttä (porr.) | Lýkaina Belmondo – Suprant Sabrina | 2 |
American Underground Ion xx | 21.07.21 | - | Este | Remember The Alamo! – Pink Electro Dance | 2 |
Antagonist Ion xx | 14.06.19 | Voikko | Kenttä | Lýkaina Belmondo – Allegory Ion | 2 |
Ariocarpus Ion xx | 01.09.21 | - | Koulu | Dows' Cactus xx – Go Roxy Feig xx | 4 |
Baltic Ion xx | 29.05.15 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | Mediterranean Ion xx – Nereia Ion xx | 5 |
Barad-dûr Ion xx | 15.04.19 | - | Koulu | Orthanc Ion – Ellaria Ion | 5 |
Behemoth Ion xx | 07.01.25 | - | Kenttä | True Devil NMH xx – Bay Stater Ion xx | 5 |
Blue Ink Ion xx | 23.07.21 | - | Kenttä | Lýkaina Belmondo – Sluagh Ion | 2 |
Canary Wharf Ion xx | 03.04.24 | - | Koulu | Cayman King GA xx – Ladywell Fields Ion xx | 3 |
Cape Caernavon GA xx | 01.11.22 | Ruunikko | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Carnaby Street Ion xx | 16.09.21 | - | Yleisratsu | Nebuchadnezzar Ion xx – Pink Harrods Shopping xx | 3 |
Cayman King GA xx | 01.09.23 | - | Koulu | Money For Me GA xx – Demerque GA xx | 2 |
Charles Hamilton Ion xx | 13.08.21 | - | Yleisratsu | Dallas McLure Ion xx – Pink Heat Of The Night xx | 3 |
Clavering Ion xx | 20.01.24 | - | Este | Huntingdon Ion xx – Maria Magdalena Ion xx | 4 |
Cool Argon Ion xx | 01.03.24 | - | Koulu | Cool Chromium Ion xx – Dark Ambient Ion xx | 3 |
Cool Rhenium Ion xx | 27.12.23 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | Cool Chromium Ion xx – Redstreak Rewa xx | 3 |
Crayon Ring xx | 03.01.15 | Musta | Kenttä | Escorant Admiral – Blackwing Ring | 3 |
Daisuke Ion xx | 27.02.24 | - | Este | Xtra Blue SNAK xx – Megumi Ion xx | 4 |
Dark Electro Ion xx | 21.08.21 | - | Yleisratsu | Take That Ion xx – Pink Electro Dance xx | 2 |
Divide By Zero Ion xx | 01.12.23 | - | Kenttä | Scandic Daniel xx – Xena Ion xx | 3 |
Doctor Jones Ion xx | 18.02.24 | - | Este | Xtra Blue SNAK xx – Barbie Girl Ion xx | 4 |
Duke of Fenton Ion xx | 10.05.19 | Kimo | Yleisratsu | La Sirène Wicked – Lady Jacinda Ion | 3+ |
Elite Art GA xx | 01.11.22 | Rautias | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Elliot Carver Ion xx | 03.03.24 | - | Este | Blue Ink Ion xx – Paris Carver Ion xx | 3 |
Freestyler Ion xx | 01.08.21 | - | Koulu | Crayon Ring xx – Go Roxy Feig xx | 4 |
Grafton Street Ion xx | 11.06.17 | Rautias | Este | Aidanus Ion – Pink Harrods Shopping | 3 |
Grand Battlecry GA xx | 01.04.23 | - | Koulu | Nalnish GA xx – Grand Operette GA xx | 1 |
Grand Opening Ion xx | 02.05.24 | - | Koulu | The Duke Ion xx – Jedrusia GA xx | 3 |
Grindelwald Ion xx | 05.07.24 | - | Kenttä | Severus Snape Ion xx – Redstreak Rewa xx | 3 |
Holmes Bay GA xx | 01.11.22 | Ruunikko | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Immaculate Ion xx | 05.05.24 | - | Este | Immemorial Ion xx – Redstreak Rewa xx | 3 |
Immemorial Ion xx | 13.04.19 | - | Este | Immortal Ion – Allegory Ion | 2 |
Iron Mountain Ion xx | 08.02.17 | - | Este | Aidanus Ion – Marion Jones Ion | 3 |
Iron River Ion xx | 11.03.24 | - | Yleisratsu | Iron Mountain Ion xx – Cool Shadow Ion xx | 4 |
Itsnotokay GA xx | 01.09.23 | - | Koulu | Adurnarseh GA xx – Hidden Ruby GA xx | 2 |
Jim Beam Ion xx | 21.12.23 | - | Este | Applejack Ion xx – A.D. Dirty Love xx | 3 |
Kichiro Ion xx | 26.06.19 | Voikko | Yleisratsu | Pink Hideaki – Narelle Ion | 3 |
King Cotton Ion xx | 28.01.24 | - | Kenttä | King Pilot Ion xx – Randa Tarleton Ion xx | 3 |
King Pilot Ion xx | 09.07.15 | Rautias | Kenttä | Test Pilot GA – Noble Kerrigan GA | 2 |
Life Sentence Ion xx | 07.03.24 | - | Kenttä | Duke of Fenton Ion xx – Lifetime CTB xx | 5 |
Look Like A Duke Ion xx | 14.06.19 | - | Kenttä | Angren Look Like an Elf – Anissa Ion | 5 |
Marvellous Ion xx | 29.04.15 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | Magnificent Ion xx – Nereia Ion xx | 5 |
Midichlorian Ion xx | 10.07.19 | - | Koulu | Ozon Ion – Lady Jacinda Ion | 3 |
Million Mainers Ion xx | 23.05.19 | - | Koulu | Millenium Ion – Indianess Ion | 5 |
Monaco Street Circuit Ion xx | 19.05.19 | Ruunikko | Este | Pink Hungaroring – Calanthia Ion | 3 |
Money For Me GA xx | 01.04.23 | - | Koulu | Polar Dancer GA xx – Futuristica GA xx | 1 |
Mr Master GA xx | 01.11.22 | Rautias | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Nalnish GA xx | 01.11.22 | - | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Norton's Equivalent Ion xx | 04.07.15 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | Not Tested GA – Ninette Ion | 4 |
Oh What A Circus Ion xx | 01.04.24 | - | Koulu | The Duke Ion xx – Blue Suede Boots GA xx | 3 |
Orthanc Ion xx | 16.04.15 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | Isis Ion – Quiero's Lady Fenton | 5 |
Oxford Blue Ion xx | 01.04.19 | - | Este | Bisbee Blue Ion – Cerise Ion | 3 |
Paranormal Ion xx | 07.01.24 | - | Kenttä | RWR Paranoid Punch xx – Lifetime CTB xx | 5 |
Piquet Ion xx | 04.05.24 | - | Kenttä | Senna Ion xx – Paris Carver Ion xx | 3 |
Plantagenet CTB xx | 01.09.15 | Ruunikko | Laukka, yleisratsu | Pretender Feig xx – Ruby Hill SNAK xx | 4+ |
Poison Fang Ion xx | 26.08.21 | - | Este | Cool Sky Ion xx – RWR Panthera xx | 5 |
Polar Dancer GA xx | 01.11.22 | Musta | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Prince of Dorne Ion xx | 21.06.19 | - | Koulu | Taranis Ion – Ellaria Ion | 5 |
Pseudodivine Ion xx | 28.05.19 | - | Kenttä | Pseudocode Ion – Nebethetepet Ion | 5 |
Pseudograph Ion xx | 14.12.23 | - | Este | Poison Fang Ion xx – Pseudoscorpion Ion xx | 5 |
Pseudorandom Ion xx | 14.01.24 | - | Este | Royal Fenton Ion xx – Pseudoscorpion Ion xx | 5 |
Qatari Park GA xx | 01.04.23 | - | Koulu | Mr Master GA xx – Cliffmill Last Mile GA xx | 1 |
Rio De Janeiro CTB xx | 04.07.17 | Ruunikko | Laukka, yleisratsu | Rio Grande CTB xx – Millisecond CTB xx | 3 |
Royal Fenton Ion xx | 07.09.21 | - | Este | Royal Audience Ion xx – Quiero's Lady Fenton xx | 5 |
Royal Yacht Ion xx | 03.07.21 | - | Este (porr.) | Royal Audience Ion – Red Sea Ion | 5+ |
RWR Paranoid Punch xx KTK-I | 01.07.16 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | Xtra Bold SNAK – Cherry Punch Ring | 4+ |
Saint Judas Ion xx | 26.06.21 | - | Kenttä (porr.) | Baltic Ion – RWR Panthera | 5+ |
Salazar Slytherin Ion xx | 10.08.21 | - | Este | York Ion xx – Aurora Sinistra Ion xx | 3 |
Sazerac Ion xx | 24.12.23 | - | Este | Applejack Ion xx – Lella Ion xx | 3 |
Scandic Daniel xx | 16.03.15 | - | Kenttä | Godolphin SH – Miss Olympia SH | 1 |
Sears Tower Ion xx | 15.05.19 | - | Este | Chicago Skyline Ion – Anne The Great Ion | 3 |
Senna Ion xx | 10.06.21 | Ruunikko | Kenttä (porr.) | Surtees Ion – Suprant Sabrina | 2 |
Serengeti Ion xx | 25.07.19 | Kimo | Este | Yarrangobilly Ion – Karnali Ion | 3 |
Severus Snape Ion xx | 23.02.21 | - | Este (porr.) | Deathly Hallows Ion – Starla Ion | 2 |
Solario CTB xx | 11.04.17 | - | Laukka, yleisratsu | Alfalfa CTB xx – Solar Eclipse CTB xx | 3 |
St. Stephen's Green Ion xx | 04.03.24 | - | Este | Grafton Street Ion xx – Windy City Ion xx | 4 |
Tackleberry Ion xx | 26.05.19 | Musta | Koulu | Donovan Ion – Narelle Ion | 3 |
The Duke Ion xx | 13.11.16 | Ruunikko | Koulu | Pink Comte de Chagny – Chromium Ion | 2 |
The Phantom Ion xx | 23.08.21 | - | Kenttä | Clay Lane Ion xx – La Sorelli Ion xx | 3 |
The Swordfight Ion xx | 13.10.21 | - | Koulu | The Duke Ion xx – Pink Heat Of The Night xx | 3 |
Trigger Warning GA xx | 01.03.24 | - | Koulu | Itsnotokay GA xx – Blue Suede Boots GA xx | 3 |
Unsuspecting GA xx | 01.11.22 | Musta | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Waferston GA xx | 01.02.24 | - | Koulu | Cayman King GA xx – Jedrusia GA xx | 3 |
Wye-Delta Ion xx | 10.02.24 | - | Koulu | Norton's Equivalent Ion xx – Shinobu Ion xx | 5 |
Xerophyte Ion xx | 28.04.24 | - | Koulu | Money For Me GA xx – Xena Ion xx | 3 |
Xtra Blue SNAK xx | 08.06.15 | Ruunikko | Este | Xtra Bold SNAK – Skycable Feig | 3 |
Xtra Stunning Ion xx | 04.02.24 | - | Kenttä | Marvellous Ion xx – Xtra Rose Ion xx | 5 |
Zandvoort Ion xx | 23.10.21 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | Pink Hungaroring xx – La Sorelli Ion xx | 3 |
Nimi | Syntymäaika | Väri | painotus | vanhemmat | Suku |
A.D. Dirty Love xx | 17.04.19 | Kimo | Kenttä | Innuendo – Forever Loved | 2 |
Adelaide Street Ion xx | 13.09.21 | - | Yleisratsu | Pink Hungaroring xx – Pink Heat Of The Night xx | 3 |
Barbie Girl Ion xx | 13.07.21 | - | Este | Tudor Ion – Pink Heat Of The Night | 3 |
Bay Stater Ion xx | 26.09.21 | - | Yleisratsu | Million Mainers Ion xx – RWR Panthera xx | 5 |
Blue Crayon Ion xx | 17.01.24 | - | Este | Crayon Ring xx – Blue Diamond Ion xx | 4 |
Blue Diamond Ion xx | 08.04.19 | Ruunikko | Este | Bisbee Blue Ion – Anne The Great Ion | 3 |
Blue Suede Boots GA xx | 01.09.23 | - | Koulu | Qatari Park GA xx – Nayamor GA xx | 2 |
Cherry Cherry Lady Ion xx | 03.08.21 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | RWR Paranoid Punch xx – Red Sea Ion xx | 5 |
Christine Daaé Ion xx | 24.01.24 | - | Este | Huntingdon Ion xx – Meg Giry Ion xx | 4 |
Clara Doll GA xx | 01.02.24 | - | Koulu | Itsnotokay GA xx – Blue Suede Boots GA xx | 3 |
Cliffmill Last Mile GA xx | 01.11.22 | Ruunikko | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Cloud Gate Ion xx | 05.04.19 | Ruunikko | Este | Chicago Skyline Ion – Calanthia Ion | 3 |
Cool Shadow Ion xx | 16.07.21 | - | Koulu | Cool Chromium Ion xx – Pink Harrods Shopping xx | 3 |
Cool Tin Ion xx | 02.04.24 | - | Koulu | Cool Chromium Ion xx – Jedrusia GA xx | 3 |
Cover Girl Ion xx | 04.03.24 | - | Kenttä | All About Us Ion xx – Redstreak Rewa xx | 3 |
Crazy Cat Lady Ion xx | 26.07.21 | - | Este | RWR Paranoid Punch – RWR Panthera | 5 |
Crazy Juliet Ion xx | 14.03.24 | - | Este | Iron Mountain Ion xx – Maria Magdalena Ion xx | 4 |
Daisy Pink Ion xx | 14.08.22 | - | Kenttä | Why You Little! BUG xx – Queen Pink Ion xx | 4 |
Dark Ambient Ion xx | 21.09.21 | Voikko | Kenttä | Lýkaina Belmondo xx – Pink Electro Dance xx | 2 |
Demerque GA xx | 01.04.23 | - | Koulu | Holmes Bay GA xx – Whitsunday GA xx | 1 |
Dimity Munroe Ion xx | 08.05.19 | Ruunikko | Koulu | Cool Cobalt Ion – Faith McLure Ion | 2 |
Dollis Hill Ion xx | 16.08.21 | Ruunikko | Koulu | Donovan Ion xx – Pink Harrods Shopping xx | 3 |
Electropop Ion xx | 04.04.24 | - | Este | Dark Electro Ion xx – Paris Carver Ion xx | 3 |
Elia Martell Ion xx | 21.05.19 | Ruunikko | Koulu | Pseudocode Ion – Ellaria Ion | 5 |
Flygirl Ion xx | 10.12.23 | - | Koulu | Freestyler Ion xx – Nuclear Waste Ion xx | 5 |
Funky Xmas Ion xx | 09.01.25 | - | Kenttä | Whole New World NMH xx – Cover Girl Ion xx | 4 |
Futuristica GA xx | 01.11.22 | Kimo | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Galeandra Ion xx | 19.06.19 | - | Este | Nebuchadnezzar Ion – Calanthia Ion | 3 |
Galvanic Isolator Ion xx | 07.08.21 | - | Kenttä | Norton's Equivalent Ion xx – Quiero's Lady Fenton xx | 5 |
Gentle Storm CTB xx | 23.12.14 | - | Laukka, yleisratsu | Chariot CTB xx – Gentle Moon CTB xx | 5 |
Gotcha Ion xx | 13.05.19 | Kimo | Este | Bazinga – Allegory Ion | 2 |
Grand Operette GA xx | 01.11.22 | - | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Green Hell Ion xx | 06.01.25 | - | Kenttä | Battle Of Winterfell NMH xx – Adelaide Street Ion xx | 4 |
Hidden Ruby GA xx | 01.04.23 | - | Koulu | Unsuspecting GA xx – Phantom Pandora GA xx | 1 |
Indian Corncob Ion xx | 21.04.19 | - | Kenttä | Dows' Cactus – Indianess Ion | 5 |
Jedrusia GA xx | 01.09.23 | - | Koulu | Grand Battlecry GA xx – Victorian Reel GA xx | 2 |
Lady Carlina Ion xx | 10.05.19 | - | Koulu | Carlos vtk – Lady Jacinda Ion | 3 |
Ladywell Fields Ion xx | 13.12.16 | Rautias | Koulu | Kensington Garden Ion – Chromium Ion | 2 |
Lancaster Gate Ion xx | 02.03.24 | - | Koulu | Itsnotokay GA xx – Ladywell Fields Ion xx | 3 |
Lella Ion xx | 23.06.21 | Kimo | Este (porr.) | Surtees Ion – Sluagh Ion | 2 |
Lifetime CTB xx | 29.09.14 | Rautias | Kenttä | Cargo CTB – Farleigh Afterlife | 5 |
Maria Magdalena Ion xx | 06.05.19 | - | Yleisratsu | Rosegarden's Blade Runner – Pink Heat Of The Night | 3 |
Maybe I Will GA xx | 01.11.22 | Ruunikko | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Meg Giry Ion xx | 23.09.21 | - | Este | Immemorial Ion xx – La Sorelli Ion xx | 3 |
Meekadorabee Ion xx | 08.12.16 | Musta | Este | Yarrangobilly Ion – Marion Jones Ion | 3 |
Minimal Techno Ion xx | 04.12.23 | - | Kenttä | Scandic Daniel xx – Pink Electro Dance xx | 3 |
Moondyne Ion xx | 31.12.23 | - | Kenttä | Crayon Ring xx – Meekadorabee Ion xx | 4 |
Moriko Ion xx | 27.03.24 | - | Este | Grafton Street Ion xx – Megumi Ion xx | 4 |
My Sharona Ion xx | 10.07.21 | - | Kenttä | Immortal Ion – Suprant Sabrina | 2 |
Nayamor GA xx | 01.04.23 | - | Koulu | Adhaamwar GA xx – Pickmename GA xx | 1 |
Ninsianna Ion xx | 26.04.19 | - | Kenttä | Cool Sky Ion – Nebethetepet Ion | 5 |
Nuclear Blast Ion xx | 10.01.24 | - | Kenttä | Orthanc Ion xx – Nuclear Waste Ion xx | 5 |
Olivia de Havilland Ion xx | 14.06.16 | - | Koulu | Magnate Ion – Vivien Leigh Ion | 4 |
Orleans Reinette Ion xx | 24.04.19 | Musta | Este | Applejack Ion – Narelle Ion | 3 |
Paris Carver Ion xx | 10.01.16 | Kimo | Este | Test Pilot GA – Pink Elektra King | 2 |
Perfect Kate GA xx | 01.02.24 | - | Koulu | Cayman King GA xx – Jedrusia GA xx | 3 |
Phantom Pandora GA xx | 01.11.22 | - | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Pickmename GA xx | 01.11.22 | - | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Point Of No Return Ion xx | 14.02.24 | - | Kenttä | The Duke Ion xx – My Sharona Ion xx | 3 |
Pseudogoddess Ion xx | 07.07.21 | - | Kenttä | Pseudodivine Ion – Quiero's Lady Fenton | 5 |
Queen In Red Dress 2702 xx | 05.06.24 | - | Kenttä | King Pilot Ion xx – Redstreak Rewa xx | 3 |
Queen Of The Dragons Ion xx | 14.05.19 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | Angren King in the North – Anissa Ion | 5 |
Queen Pink Ion xx | 02.05.19 | - | Kenttä | King Pilot Ion – Cerise Ion | 3 |
Racheel GA xx | 01.11.22 | Musta | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Randa Tarleton Ion xx | 08.07.19 | Kimo | Kenttä | Lýkaina Belmondo – Faith McLure | 2 |
Redgold Ion xx | 05.04.24 | - | Kenttä | American Underground Ion xx – Redstreak Rewa xx | 3 |
Redstreak Rewa xx | 26.06.17 | Ruunikko | Kenttä | Revolver Revolution – Streetscape Feig | 2 |
Reign Of Queen Ion xx | 07.02.24 | - | Este | Royal Fenton Ion xx – Lifetime CTB xx | 5 |
Rita Skeeter Ion xx | 10.09.21 | - | Este | Dallas McLure Ion xx – Aurora Sinistra Ion xx | 3 |
Royal Court Ion xx | 03.02.17 | Ruunikko | Este | Quiero's Courtyard – Anne The Great Ion | 4 |
Royal Tiara Ion xx | 29.07.21 | - | Kenttä | Royal Audience Ion xx – Nanaea Ion xx | 5 |
Scotia Ion xx | 07.12.23 | - | Kenttä | Baltic Ion xx – Lifetime CTB xx | 5 |
Shinobu Ion xx | 01.11.21 | - | Koulu | Kichiro Ion xx – Go Roxy Feig xx | 4 |
Stardust Ion xx | 13.06.19 | Ruunikko | Este | Richman Rewa – Starla Ion | 2 |
Stellar Celeste Ion xx | 31.01.24 | - | Este | Marvellous Ion xx – Crazy Cat Lady Ion xx | 5 |
Talamanca Yemn xx | 07.02.24 | - | Este | Rembertow Yemn xx – Unin Yemn xx | 2 |
Teresaofcalcutta CTB xx | 16.02.16 | - | Laukka, yleisratsu | Jolly Jumper CTB xx – Maria Teresa CTB xx | 3 |
Victorian Reel GA xx | 01.04.23 | - | Koulu | Cape Caernavon GA xx – Racheel GA xx | 1 |
Whitsunday GA xx | 01.11.22 | Ruunikko | Koulu | EVM – EVM | 0 |
Windy City Ion xx | 25.08.19 | Ruunikko | Este | Chicago Skyline Ion – Karnali Ion | 3 |
Xea Ion xx | 28.02.24 | - | Koulu | Adurnarseh GA xx – Xena Ion xx | 2 |
Xtra Rose Ion xx | 01.10.21 | - | Yleisratsu | Xtra Blue SNAK xx – Go Roxy Feig xx | 4 |
Xtra White Cloud Ion xx | 23.02.24 | - | Este | Xtra Blue SNAK xx – Cloud Gate Ion xx | 4 |
Xylona Ion xx | 28.03.24 | - | Koulu | Grand Battlecry GA xx – Xena Ion xx | 3 |
Ysilla Royce Ion xx | 08.01.25 | - | Kenttä | Royce of Runestone NMH xx – Cherry Cherry Lady Ion xx | 5 |