Cleveland Hunterit   

Advocatus Ion VH24-054-0002

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Basic information in English



Astutus-PVM Tamma Varsa
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PVM Laji Luokka Järjestäjä Tulos
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Count Palatine Ion
cleveland hunter, 163 cm, rn
Margrave Ion
cleveland hunter, 163 cm, rn
Paul Ion
cleveland hunter, 164 cm, rn
Heron Ion
cb, 165 cm, rn
Harris Ion
Carola Twilight
Isa Ion xx
xx, 162 cm, rnkm
Millenium Ion xx
Blonde Indian xx
Viscountess Ion
cleveland hunter, 159 cm, rn
Viscount Ion xx
xx, 159 cm, rn
Blond Lord xx
Roxana Ion xx
Charita Ion
cleveland hunter, 159 cm, rnkm
Sky High Ion xx
Chelsea Ion
Witterthorne Iceberg
cb, 161 cm, rn
Witterthorne Bay Amis
cb, 167 cm, rn
Haltonhill Bay Dandy
cb, 166 cm, rn
Haltonhill Bay Star
Haltonhill Lilibet
Bildersborough Lady Amy
cb, 162 cm, rn
Bilderborough His Highness
Tynewould Amice
Witterthorne Claire Austin
cb, 160 cm, rn
Bellyard Elders Meriadoc
cb, 165 cm, rn
Howdenpark Mercurial
Bellyard Elders April
Witterthorne Clematis
cb, 159 cm, rn
Glenyard Business Man
Howdenpark Georgiana
Virginianess Ion
cleveland hunter, 165 cm, rn
Fearsome Ion
cb, 165 cm, rn
Douglas Chickasaw
cb, 162 cm, rn
Douglas Chavini
cb, 160 cm, rn
WF Cherokee
Douglas Fear the Blessing
Ashcroft Mabelle
cb, 164 cm, rn
Douglas Wexation
Hybelle Radon
Douglas Estelle
cb, 166 cm, rn
Ashcroft Cockatoo
cb, 165 cm, rn
Douglas Parrot
Merry Rain Twilight
Douglas Erica
cb, 167 cm, rn
Hal of Cherrydale
Douglas Eshter
Indianess Ion xx
xx, 165 cm, rn
Isis Ion xx
xx, 159 cm, rn
Isengard Ion xx
xx, 161 cm, rn
Indiana III xx
Felicia Ion xx
Ninanajna Ion xx
xx, 155 cm, rn
Tornero Ion xx
Dracaena Ion xx
Oregoness GA xx
xx, 168 cm, rn
Original Best GA xx
xx, 165 cm, rn
Test Pilot GA xx
Bean Nighe GA xx
No Bless GA xx
xx, 169 cm, rn
Toxic Taste GA xx
Noble Kerrigan GA xx