Count Palatine Ion cleveland hunter, 163 cm, rn |
Margrave Ion cleveland hunter, 163 cm, rn |
Paul Ion cleveland hunter, 164 cm, rn |
Heron Ion cb, 165 cm, rn |
Harris Ion |
Carola Twilight |
Isa Ion xx xx, 162 cm, rnkm |
Millenium Ion xx |
Blonde Indian xx |
Viscountess Ion cleveland hunter, 159 cm, rn |
Viscount Ion xx xx, 159 cm, rn |
Blond Lord xx |
Roxana Ion xx |
Charita Ion cleveland hunter, 159 cm, rnkm |
Sky High Ion xx |
Chelsea Ion |
Witterthorne Iceberg cb, 161 cm, rn |
Witterthorne Bay Amis cb, 167 cm, rn |
Haltonhill Bay Dandy cb, 166 cm, rn |
Haltonhill Bay Star |
Haltonhill Lilibet |
Bildersborough Lady Amy cb, 162 cm, rn |
Bilderborough His Highness |
Tynewould Amice |
Witterthorne Claire Austin cb, 160 cm, rn |
Bellyard Elders Meriadoc cb, 165 cm, rn |
Howdenpark Mercurial |
Bellyard Elders April |
Witterthorne Clematis cb, 159 cm, rn |
Glenyard Business Man |
Howdenpark Georgiana |
Virginianess Ion cleveland hunter, 165 cm, rn |
Fearsome Ion cb, 165 cm, rn |
Douglas Chickasaw cb, 162 cm, rn |
Douglas Chavini cb, 160 cm, rn |
WF Cherokee |
Douglas Fear the Blessing |
Ashcroft Mabelle cb, 164 cm, rn |
Douglas Wexation |
Hybelle Radon |
Douglas Estelle cb, 166 cm, rn |
Ashcroft Cockatoo cb, 165 cm, rn |
Douglas Parrot |
Merry Rain Twilight |
Douglas Erica cb, 167 cm, rn |
Hal of Cherrydale |
Douglas Eshter |
Indianess Ion xx xx, 165 cm, rn |
Isis Ion xx xx, 159 cm, rn |
Isengard Ion xx xx, 161 cm, rn |
Indiana III xx |
Felicia Ion xx |
Ninanajna Ion xx xx, 155 cm, rn |
Tornero Ion xx |
Dracaena Ion xx |
Oregoness GA xx xx, 168 cm, rn |
Original Best GA xx xx, 165 cm, rn |
Test Pilot GA xx |
Bean Nighe GA xx |
No Bless GA xx xx, 169 cm, rn |
Toxic Taste GA xx |
Noble Kerrigan GA xx |