Here are some translations for Finnish words used in Gin Ahaltek web site. DISCLAIMER: do not consider any of these translations, explanations, abbreviations and use examples to apply in any other web site, SIM or real life. First, Finnish SIM world has some customary abbreviations and uses for words which are not used in the same way or understood at all in the real horse world. Also we do use in GA some words and abbreviations which are not commonly used in other Finnish SIM stables.
cre - abbreviation of cremello (a chestnut horse with a double cream dilution)
emälinja - dam line
este(ratsastus) - show jumping
EVM - abbreviation of "Ei VirtuaaliMaailmassa", literally "not in virtual world", means a horse that has never been in the virtual world, i.e. just a name in the pedigree of a horse
isälinja - sire line
kasvatus - breeding (mostly the list of foals which are born or will be born)
ke - abbreviation of kenttä(ratsastus)
kenttä(ratsastus) - eventing
kilpailut - virtual shows and races arranged by GA
kimo - gray, can be combined with other color terms, e.g. ruunikonkimo = ruunikko + kimo, in English bay + gray, a foal that has born bay and will become gray along years
kisakalenteri - list of shows/races
km - abbreviation of kimo, can be combined with other color abbreviations, e.g. mkm = m + km, in English black + gray, a foal that has born black and will become gray along years
ko - abbreviation of koulu(ratsastus)
koulu(ratsastus) - dressage
kuolleet hevoset - deceased horses (will not be used for breeding or competing any more)
la - abbreviation of laukka
laji(painotus) - can be translated "specialization", i.e. is the horse a dressage horse, eventer, jumper or used for racing
laukka - literally means gallop or canter, but in GA it means actually a race horse
m - abbreviation of musta
musta - black
mustanvoikko - smoky black (a black horse with a single cream dilution)
mvkko - abbreviation of mustanvoikko
nimi - name
ori - stallion
oriit - stallions
perl - abbreviation of perlino (a bay horse with a double cream dilution)
rautias - chestnut
re - abbreviation of este(ratsastus)
rn - abbreviation of ruunikko
rnvkko - abbreviation of ruunivoikko
rt - abbreviation of rautias
ruuna - gelding
ruunikko - bay
ruunivoikko - buckskin (a bay horse with a single cream dilution)
sc - abbreviation of smoky cream (a black horse with a double cream dilution)
skp - abbreviation of sukupuoli
sukupuoli - gender
sukutaulu - pedigree
synt. pvm - abbreviation of syntymäpäivä or syntymäaika
syntymäaika - date of birth. DOB of our SIM horses is marked in ddmmyy or formats
säkäkorkeus - height at withers, given in cm's
tamma - mare
tammat - mares
vanhemmat - parents
VHKR - abbreviation of "VirtuaaliHevosKannan Rajoitus", literally "restriction of the virtual horse population", in GA it means the ageing system used on our SIM horses. When horse is aged by VHKR, one real month corresponds a virtual year. If the SIM horse's DOB is 1st Jan 2010, it will be 1-year-old in 1st Feb 2010 and in 1st Jan 2011 it's 12-year-old.
vkko - abbreviation of voikko
voikko - palomino/isabella (a chestnut horse with a single cream dilution)
väri - color