
Moviestar Dizzaster 2702 VH23-016-0069

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Astutus-PVM Tamma Varsa
04/2024 Me & My Ion o. Hey Hey Hollywood 2702
01/2025 Royal Bride 2702 -
02/2025 Against All The Odds 2702 -


PVM Laji Luokka Järjestäjä Tulos
30.11.24 ARJ Cup Roadster Ljóma 4/22
31.10.24 ARJ Cup Informal show combination Ljóma 1/22
30.4.24 ARJ Cup Show pleasure Ljóma 1/19


Hollywood Luminary Glow
163 cm,
Al Pacino SSE
161 cm, tprt
Al the Great EVM
Arabelle EVM
Old Town Luminary
157 cm, trn
Mark Me Soon ACD EVM
Old Town Brightest Star EVM
Dazzling Disaster Glow
160 cm, rt
Cosmic Disaster
160 cm, rn
Jupiter Crash EVM
Beautiful Disaster EVM
Sassy ‘n’ Bedazzling
160 cm, rt
Sassamoe EVM
Dazzle Me Up EVM