Kursivoitu teksti: hevonen on lopettanut kisauransa.
M: hevonen on myynnissä.
Nimi | Syntymäaika | Väri | painotus | Suku |
American Dan Ion | 29.05.22 | - | Karjalajit | 3 |
Another Murder Case Ion | 11.07.24 | - | Western pleasure, WRJ (porr.) | 2 |
Apparition In Haze Ion | 06.06.22 | Rautias | Western pleasure | 3 |
Arizona Diamonds Ion | 25.04.20 | Rautias | Reining, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
B Corncracker Ion | 20.07.24 | - | Reining, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
B Fabulous Ion M | 03.09.16 | Voikko | Trail, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
B Hoosier Ion | 22.08.24 | - | Aikalajit, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
B Just Fine Ion | 27.05.22 | - | Trail, western riding | 4 |
B Rush Ion M | 27.08.16 | Mustanpäistärikkö | Reining, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
B Superstar Ion | 29.07.24 | - | Reining, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
B Tricky Ion M | 01.04.16 | Ruunihallakko | Reining, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
B Twice Over Ion | 18.01.20 | Ruunivoikko | Trail, aikaluokat | 5 |
B Wild N Alive Ion | 09.02.20 | Voikko | Karjalajit | 4 |
Becoming Insane | 01.07.17 | Voikko | Versatile, reined cow horse | 3 |
Bourbon Barrel Beer Ion | 11.08.24 | - | Versatile, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
Buffalo Bill Ion | 08.03.20 | Ruunikko | Western riding, trail | 1 |
Burning Rebel Ion | 02.08.24 | Rautias | Karjalajit, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Colorado Golden Sky Ion | 29.08.24 | - | Reining, versatile, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
Dark Jet Dan Ion M | 07.07.18 | Mustanpäistärikkö | Western pleasure | 3 |
Easy-Go Ion | 01.09.24 | - | Versatile, WRJ (porr.) | 2 |
Five Wild Birds Ion | 16.08.24 | - | Reining, horsemanship, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Give Me Lucky Dun | 11.09.24 | - | Reining, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Good-Go Ion | 02.09.24 | - | Horsemanship, WRJ (porr.) | 2 |
Icy Rude GA M | 01.05.18 | Musta | Western riding | 0 |
Inferno Star Ion | 30.08.24 | - | Trail, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Kaltag Jamie Ion | 13.09.24 | - | Karjalajit, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
Kansas Lucky Star Ion | 19.08.24 | - | Western riding, reining, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
Klondike River Ion | 09.03.20 | Ruunikonpäistärikkö | Halter, aikaluokat | 4 |
Leono Only Ion | 05.09.24 | - | Western riding, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
Lone Star Cut | 06.04.20 | Ruunikko | Reining | 1 |
Louisiana Blue Ion | 23.08.24 | - | Versatile, horsemanship, WRJ (porr.) | 2 |
Lucky Lonestar Ion | 14.07.22 | - | Reining | 2 |
Mafia Money Ion | 08.08.24 | - | Karjalajit, horsemanship, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
Magnum Bullet Ion | 23.07.22 | - | Karjalajit | 3 |
Manitou Ion | 23.06.22 | - | Nopeuslajit | 3 |
Mc Jam Ion | 14.09.24 | - | Karjalajit, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
Mister Smartypants Ion | 26.07.24 | Voikonpäistärikkö | Aikaluokat, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Mr Big N Bad | 04.04.20 | Rautias | Reining | 2 |
Mr Big N Perfect Ion | 17.07.22 | - | Reining | 3 |
Nevada Ice Star GA | 01.08.19 | Ruunikko | Western riding | 3 |
No-Go Ion M | 15.09.16 | - | Versatile | 1 |
No Rain On Sunday | 17.09.24 | - | Western riding, WRJ (porr.) | 1 |
No Rude Race Ion | 17.08.24 | - | Western riding, WRJ (porr.) | 1 |
Not Hot Dan Ion | 07.08.24 | - | Reining, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Pine River Ion | 11.05.20 | - | Karjalajit | 3 |
Ruby Zack Ion | 04.10.24 | - | Aikaluokat, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Shadow Two Ion | 17.06.22 | - | Karjalajit | 3 |
Smokin Good Ion | 22.02.24 | - | Western riding | 2 |
Some Hot Money Ion | 07.09.24 | - | Western pleasure, halter, WRJ (porr.) | 1 |
Some Hot Sunday GA M | 01.05.18 | Rautias | Western pleasure, western riding | 0 |
Southern Flames Ion | 30.09.24 | Rautias | Trail, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Tap Dun Ion | 01.07.22 | Ruunikko | Nopeuslajit | 5 |
Tough Dun Ion M | 11.08.16 | - | Reining, reined cow horse | 3 |
Turtleheart Ion | 08.02.18 | Ruunikko | Nopeuslajit | 2 |
Up 'N Away Ion | 12.05.20 | Samppanjanruunikko | Karjalajit, halter | 3 |
Wanted Dead Or Alive | 29.07.22 | - | Karjalajit | 3 |
Xtreme Union Jack GA M | 01.05.18 | Ruunikko | Versatile, western riding, WRJ (porr.) | 0 |
Zack Daniels Ion M | 07.09.18 | Kimo | Reining, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
Nimi | Syntymäaika | Väri | painotus | Suku |
Abbie Doo Ion | 08.04.20 | Hopeanruunikko | Trail, aikaluokat | 1 |
Abbie Get Cody GA M | 01.05.18 | Ruunikko | Trail | 0 |
Abbie Star Ion | 08.01.20 | Rautias | Trail | 1 |
Aniak Lena Ion | 13.08.24 | Ruunivoikko | Cutting, aikaluokat, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
Another Bonnie Blue Ion | 24.04.20 | Mustanpäistärikkö | Cutting, horsemanship | 1 |
Another Hot Sunday Ion | 08.09.24 | - | Western pleasure, WRJ (porr.) | 1 |
Another Sandibel Ion | 04.09.24 | - | Aikaluokat, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
B Bluestocking Ion | 25.05.22 | Voikko | Versatile, WRJ | 4 |
B Divine Ion | 01.07.18 | Ruunihallakko | Horsemanship | 4 |
B Fairytale Figure Ion | 30.07.24 | - | Karjalajit, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
B Fierce Ion | 09.04.20 | - | Reining, aikalajit | 4 |
B Jammer Ion | 20.08.24 | Voikko | Aikalajit, horsemanship, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
B Marylander Ion | 14.08.24 | Ruunihallakko | Cutting, western pleasure, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
B Soft N Cuddly Ion | 07.02.20 | - | Karjalajit | 4 |
B Sugar Baby Ion | 23.07.24 | - | Trail, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
B West Virginian Ion | 18.12.19 | Ruunivoikonhallakko | Aikaluokat | 5 |
Bessie River Ion | 10.08.24 | - | Karjalajit, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
Chili Ice Ion | 26.08.24 | Rautias | Trail, Western riding, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Colorado Doll Ion M | 01.06.22 | - | Reining | 5 |
Contessa Hazard | 06.01.21 | Voikko | WRJ (porr.) | 2 |
Creole Lena Ion | 14.06.22 | - | Versatile | 2 |
Daisy Joanie Ion | 07.08.18 | Kimo | Aikaluokat | 3 |
Dark Dun Lena Ion | 05.08.24 | - | Western pleasure, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
DLHS Molly The Murderer | 20.09.18 | Rautias | Karjalajit | 1 |
Dun Gun Ion | 16.09.24 | - | Reining, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Gangsta Girl Ion M | 23.05.22 | Rautias | WRJ | 3 |
Gold N Diamonds Ion | 23.02.24 | - | Karjalajit | 2 |
Just Another Monday Ion | 08.07.24 | - | Halter, WRJ (porr.) | 2 |
Lena Only Ion M | 09.06.18 | - | Western riding | 2 |
Lil Dun Ion | 22.08.16 | - | Trail | 3 |
Lil Jolene Ion | 10.06.22 | - | Versatile | 5 |
Lil Miss Sunshine Ion | 17.05.22 | - | Aikalajit, WRJ | 3 |
Lovely Lena Ion | 05.10.24 | - | Western riding, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
Maggie Wild Ion | 10.05.20 | - | Reining, horsemanship | 3 |
Maya The Bee Ion | 14.07.24 | - | Trail, WRJ (porr.) | 5 |
Mexican Cha Cha | 01.04.20 | Ruunivoikko | Reining | 3 |
Mexican Lena Ion | 24.02.24 | - | Reining | 3 |
Mix Money N Love GA M | 01.05.18 | Rautiaanpäistärikkö | Halter | 0 |
Monday Blah Ion | 04.12.24 | - | Halter, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
Navajo No Good GA M | 01.05.18 | Rautias | Western riding | 0 |
Neverending Dream Ion | 13.05.20 | Ruunikko | Aikalajit, horsemanship | 3 |
Niagara Diamonds GA | 01.09.19 | Musta | Reining | 3 |
Old West Saloon Girl | 06.07.22 | - | Horsemanship, western pleasure | 3 |
Radiostar Ion | 21.06.22 | - | Halter, western riding | 3 |
Ravines Treasure Beach | 08.07.22 | - | ? | 1 |
Riches In Yukon Ion | 04.08.24 | Perlino | Karjalajit, WRJ (porr.) | 3 |
Rockstar's Love Mix Ion | 21.02.24 | - | Reining | 1 |
Rose Joanie Ion | 01.08.24 | - | Aikaluokat, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Rubystar Joanie Ion | 27.08.24 | - | Cutting, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Silver Joanie Ion | 09.02.18 | Kimo | Cutting | 3 |
Smart Honey Ion M | 12.02.18 | Voikko | Aikaluokat | 3 |
Stepping On Ice Ion | 10.09.24 | - | Trail, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Sugar Velour | 04.09.20 | Rautiaanpäistärikkö | ? | 1 |
Tactical Sport Ion | 29.06.22 | - | Reining | 3 |
Wanted Angel Eyes | 12.10.15 | Ruunivoikko | Karjalajit, WRJ (porr.) | 2 |
Zill Daniels Ion | 19.09.24 | - | Western pleasure, WRJ (porr.) | 4 |
Zips Maggie Ion M | 09.07.18 | Samppanjanmusta | Horsemanship, aikaluokat | 2 |